Wild Raw Honey

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Derrick Lin


Designer: Derrick Egessa
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Eat now foods Uganda
Location: Kampala Uganda
Packaging Contents: Organic foods
Packaging Materials: Glass jar and plastic jar

In the deep savanna and some tropical forests of Uganda, adventurous brave men and women have hunted for honey for its numerous healthy benefit over time. They break the predictable anger of bees with no suits, no masks, to collect and harvest this raw honey from the wild hives of Uganda and purchase it to eat now foods Uganda for packing.

The challenge was to create a label for both glass jar and plastic to differentiate and communicate clearly what the content is.

Considering clarity of what wild raw honey is made of (what it is) to help stand out on the Ugandan market where convention rules and every single package or label is like a duplicate of the other, I come up with 3 various labels with bold brand names.

A white label with concrete words engaging the reader(viewer) clearly defines what kind of honey they are about to consume, through a playful yet bold use of fonts and type.