Drip Drop Pure Maple Syrup

Derrick Lin


Designer: Morgan Glisczinski
Project Type: Student Project
School: University of Wisconsin – Stout
Course: Product & Packaging Design
Tutor: Nagesh Shinde
Location: Menomonie, WI, USA
Packaging Contents: Syrup
Packaging Materials: Ceramic, Vinyl, Copper, Thread

Tiered Brand Packaging : choose a product from the industry and redesign it

Drip Drop Pure Maple Syrup offers three grade a syrups: light, amber, and dark, all in which are unique in both flavor and aroma. Being that syrup is appreciated for its unique flavor amongst both chefs and breakfast connoisseurs, the packaging in which it comes in should represent that.

The presumably contradicting name “Drip Drop” paired with my aesthetic wants to demonstrate that just because syrup consumption is perceived to be sticky and messy, it doesn’t have to be.

What’s Unique?
The packaging in which it comes in is ceramic, a handmade material similar to the production process of syrup itself. The spout offers a mess-free application by just flipping open the spout’s lid. Being that it’s also in a small bottle, (16 fl. oz) it takes up little room in the fridge.

By keeping it sustainable, it is encouraged that the bottle continues to be reused for other purposes such as storage of future syrup or maybe even as a flower vase.