Silk & Iron of Elizabeth I

Derrick Lin


Designer: Julia Zhdanova, Vadim Briksin
Project Type: Concept
Location: Russia, Moscow
Packaging Contents: Ale, Beer
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Glass Bottle, Paper

Julia Zhdanova and Vadim Briksin created the label design for Ale called “Silk & Iron of Elizabeth I”.

The reign of Elizabeth I is considered as the beginning of England‘s Golden Age. After defeating the Spanish fleet at the coast of Britain, England became a colonial power expanding its influence across the world. The authority of Elizabeth I became indisputable. Strong and powerful, she applied the “carrot and stick” approach to anyone who interfered with her policy of strengthening Britain. “Carrot and stick!” — the name “Silk & Iron of Elizabeth I” is about this.

In our project we designed the labels for the traditional English drink Ale in a way which reflects the style and character of the Elizabethan Age.