Mulino Bianco

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Derrick Lin


Creative Agency: FutureBrand CMGRP Italia Spa
Senior Account Director: Claudio Burchi
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Client: Barilla – Mulino Bianco
Location: Italy
Packaging Contents: Biscuits
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Paper
Printing Process: Flexography

The impact of Millennials and of the Z Generation on the consumption styles is driving the focus of communication back to reality and transparency, while leaving behind verbal and design expressions that aren’t true to the product itself,” says Claudio Burchi, Sr Account Director of the FutureBrand team that has carried out the restyling of Mulino Bianco brand identity. “New consumers want to have a direct relationship with the brands and make their choices responsably. With all its products, Mulino Bianco has everything to communicate its uniqueness and truth”.

In the new design system the product plays the leading role, becoming a total icon of genuineness and natural beauty. Biscuits are real even in their little imperfections, that are the proof of the care that the brand devotes to their preparation. Ingredients are there to reinforce the message of quality and selection of raw materials.

“To meet the desire for more information of the new consumers, the back of the packs have been designed to offer different contents: one for nutritional facts, the other to engage consumers in a more emotional way and tell them how things are done at Mulino Bianco. Each package can have two different backs, a solution that increases that uniqueness that the brand wants to share”.

What’s Unique?
The new brand identity is iconic and perfectly real, it engages consumers and brings them into the world of Mulino Bianco.