Derrick Lin


Agency: FlyJabuti Design
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Location: Brazil

A healthy and fun launch for both children and adults: the Avengers Bonafont limited edition!

The new bottles of water were developed with a practical format for various occasion and FlyJabuti Design was chosen by Danone Bonafont to create the visual design, which has seven characters: Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Iron Man and Nick Fury.

Each illustration has been carefully designed so the characters would precisely fit the bottles’ shape whilst children easily handle the bottle. Their features are faithful to the comics style, maintaining the visual language that connects directly with their fans, turning a simple plastic bottle into an Avenger.

Do you know that like the Avengers, water has also superpowers? It helps to eliminate toxins that your body does not need, regulates body temperature, support the kidneys’ vital functions and improves blood circulation. Bonafont is keen to develop healthy habits at an early age, encouraging children to learn it through a fun and educational packaging.

Water and design combining health and fun, and inspiring people to have a healthier life!