Design: Existence Design Co., Ltd.
Location: Taiwan
Project Type: Produced
Client: Dynamic Fuel
Product Launch Location: China
Packaging Contents: Hangover cure drinks
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Corrugated paper, iron

“To conquer alcohol, you can only rely on the Power of Waking Up.” The package’s major visual structure takes the calligraphic Chinese character of “醒 (wake up)”to be the core to encircle, and the free, easy and generous strokes depict a man’s truest disposition of being dashing, refined, unrestrained and unruly. In addition to strengthening the significance of the character of “醒 (wake up)” being from stupor to becoming clear little by little, the square design at the edge of the Chinese character also represents the product’s appeal itself from hangover to regaining consciousness, vividly conveying the ideas of still remembering the truest thought after waking up, keeping the best condition at all times, and exploring the beauty brought by the ever changing life.

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Through the complete shaping of three structures of two-way communication, from brand to design, and from design to market, the packaging planning of “醒力(the Power of Waking Up)”comprehends the philosophy of the brand itself for an abundant and wonderful life and for helping an individual to achieve the self-discipline, forges the complete packaging planning that can satisfy the brand-end demands, and assists the product itself to develop the market conversation with high intensity via the vision ultimately.

What’s Unique?
By utilizing the distinctive analytical method of brand DNA, the character of “醒(wake up)” is planned to be the core as the fundamental form of expression to design the calligraphic Chinese character with uniqueness and with extremely great artistic tension. With the said character spreading over the can body in large area, and with the embellishment of the character of “真(true)” that is of the modeling of Chinese red seal as the auxiliary, the appropriate dotted treatment is conducted at the corner of the character of “醒(wake up)” to complete the beautiful fusion of dark grid can body and the white decorative font to ingeniously present the vague artistic conception between drunk and awake to remind you to wake up at all times! Always regain consciousness! And wake up a man’s day!