Design: Luis Burgos
Location: Spain
Project Type: Inventor Pre-produced
Packaging Contents: Food
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Carton
Printing Process: Digital printing

Hello I am the Spanish inventor Luis Burgos, I have created the best container for solid products, he sent them this email because I am looking for a magazine that can help me publish an article about my latest invention, the XBRIK package.

The project is about the best patented container and lid in history to revolutionize the entire “Solid Products” food packaging industry in all countries of the world, the project is currently ready to be industrialized and commercialized in the USA and is the result of many years of investment, research and development.

The package called XBRIK is only for solid products (NOT LIQUID) and does not carry an inner bag; It is for powder, grain or solid products, it also has some caps for opening and re-closing and is made with 20% hay and 80% Grass, among many other qualities.

The advantages for industry and the environment are among others:

  • Total disposal of plastic bags worldwide.
  • Trees are not used for manufacturing.
  • The whole package has materials that can be recycled and are 100% reusable, such as; These have recently been incorporated into my entire system with this material compost is made for high quality agriculture once it is recycled.
  • Until now, the XBRIK container was 30% cheaper in high production than any current cereal container, but with the incorporation of material made with low grass up to 40%. (Note this material is not mentioned in the businnes plan since it has been incorporated after the first edition of the magazine)
  • E. Production in 10 years will be 80% more packaging units than those currently manufactured by the company Tetra Pak in Sweden in all countries of the world, this translates into astronomical figures of “Billions of units per year” from the third of its release to the market and is confirmed by several experts.

The list of awards that I have achieved with this project in several years to date is:

  • 62 International Patents.
  • 6 world records.
  • 19 innovation awards worldwide.
  • Functional prototypes and 100% finished.
  • 138 companies contacted.
  • Infra corporate structure created.


All patents are up to date with fees and the company in the US without debts of any kind.

What I am looking for is: Help to move to Los Angeles in the US to sign several contracts with American companies, the most important and imminent contract is that of the manufacturer of the first packaging machine.

But the most important of all is that what I offer will be a great change for the environment, industry and the consumer.

My chances of success in the US are 99% and I certainly believe in it since I have some of the most important companies in the world of food that are very very interested and very close.

I arrive in the US for several reasons, but the main one is that on the 3 occasions in which the project has been exposed in US salons, more than 70% of people with seriousness and large companies are from there and given interest and demand I think I can say that here in Europe and especially in Spain I am wasting my time, without going any further there are 5 companies interested in partnering only for the packaging machine.

Finally and as an anecdote; In case you didn’t know: The richest family after the King of England are the heirs of Tetra Pak.

The Xbrik will have 80 times more sales than Tetra Pak.

What’s Unique?
For the special Lid, 20% Hay and 80% Grass based material to make the cardboard of the container itself and the corrugated cardboard of the packaging