Derrick Lin


Design: elvisPelvis Сompany
Location: Ukraine
Project Type: Produced
Client: ATB
Product Launch Location: Ukraine
Packaging Contents: Food
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Сan

What happens to peas and corn between harvesting and getting juicy fruits in a salad? That’s right, beautiful packaging! We didn’t want our peas and sun-soaked Own line corn to fall into any salads, but exclusively to tasteful people who make not just salads, but works of art.

To implement this project, we selected only those designers who like peas and corn. So that each jar has not only a noticeable and mouth-watering design but also its own soul.

Delicious, minimalistic packaging, on which, rejoicing at the meeting, the peas are grinning warmly and in a sign of friendship, greeting, peace and the upcoming victory over the hearts of eaters have formed two golden corncobs.