Derrick Lin


Design: Dotorg
Location: Russia
Project Type: Produced
Client: Goodall
Product Launch Location: United States
Packaging Contents: Nutrition Shakes
Packaging Substrate / Materials: metal can
Printing Process: Flexography

Goodall is an American brand of nutrition shakes for people who take care of their health and control their weight for medical reasons.

The visual system marries minimalistic shapes with mild color palette. Brand uppercase G is built of simple figures that stand for a complex of essential nutrition elements such as vitamins and minerals. Each flavor is represented by its own color combo that adds to the natural feel of the product and works well together with the other shades.

The form factor which is a 250 ml aluminium can is chosen to achieve a twofold result: to set Goodall apart from competitor plastic yoghurt-like brands and to enhance the feel of energy and youth.

We’ve come up with a slogan for advertising campaign: Good for me. Good for you. Good for all. Goodall! Finally we’ve designed 4 and 24 pack bundles for retail chains.

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