Design: XPOM
Location: Russia
Project Type: Produced
Product Launch Location: Global
Packaging Contents: Oil
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Plastic bottle, spray
Printing Process: Screen printing

Rebranding of spicy oils “VKUSNEE!”

Brand “VKUSNEE!” produces a 100% natural product with outstanding consumer properties: oil with a rich composition of spices, innovative packaging with a dispenser, affordable price with premium product quality, patented technology that preserves all natural vitamins and trace elements at low production temperatures.

Key visual’s goal was to increase product sales, detach from the packaging association with cosmetics and stand out from competitors in the market niche of oils, clearly talking about the benefits in the context of the statement “Make the usual Tasty!”, conveying to the consumer the idea that spiced oil will help make every dinner at home different from the previous one, surprise and please loved ones.

We have harmoniously introduced the black color into the packaging, which stands out from the competitors, and also developed a handwritten corporate font and rendered corporate icons. On the front of the label there is a food zone, where the image of the product corresponds to the method of using olive and sunflower oil: for fish, for poultry, for meat, salad dressing. A characteristic technique is the darkening of the food zone, which gives the product a premium.

The packaging came out on shelves in the amount of 18 SKU. This unique spice oil is available for any family.

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